4th annual conference of ALTER, European Society for Disability Research
2-3 Jul 2015 Paris (France)

Detailed program, abstracts and presentations

You'll find here pdf files  with the program and book of abstracts:

Detailed program

Book of abstracts
Poster of the conference


Some authors have also given their presentation :

Arenas-Conejo  Míriam, Pié-Balaguer  Asun, Rodríguez-Giralt  Israel. The committees of functional diversity in the 15M movement: reformulating disability activism in Spain

Armstrong Felicity. Disability, education and participation: a critical analysis of recent policy developments in England

Bedoin Diane. Croisement entre surdité et migration : quels enjeux éducatifs ? / Educational issues when crossing deafness and migration

Benoit Hervé. « Sur la route » de l’accessibilité pédagogique : ambiguïtés des politiques publiques et freins institutionnels

Brun Gaspard. For a political philosophy of disabilities. Biopolicy, a policy of norms.

Caldin Roberta, Cinotti Alessia. Fathers and children with disabilities. Knowing how to wait.

Fiala Elisa. A new hierarchy of disability? A critical analysis of the implementation of the right to work and employment in the national context of Germany

Flamant Anouk. The resistible handicap policy inside local authorities human ressources departments. The case study of a territorial pact for handicap in the civil service.

Gourinat Valentine, Jarrassé Nathanaël. La personne amputée dans les médias : quand l’ambiguïté des images bouleverse la compréhension du handicap et des technologies de compensation/restauration.

Henault-Tessier Mélanie,  Dalle-Nazébi Sophie. Looking at work activities through the prism of sign language. Negotiating professional practices: from work ecology to ecosystem

Magerotte Ghislain. L’éducation inclusive : n’ayez pas peur !

Magnanini Angela. Accompany, educate, liberate. An interdisciplinary study on sexual assistance for people with disabilities

Mazereau Philippe.Les contradictions de l’inclusion scolaire à la française

Mazzer Marzia. Autobiography and disability: educational perspectives

Mirlesse Véronique, Ville Isabelle. The anticipation of disability during antenatal consultations in Brazil and in France. Consequences of practices' regulation modes.

Mitra Sophie. Measuring Disability and Wellbeing based on the Capability Approach

Nogueira José Miguel.The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal

Pavone Marisa, Bellacicco Rosa. Disability and higher education. Inclusion at university for active citizenship

Pont Elena. Le récit de vie comme instrument innovant d’émancipation des représentations de genre et de handicap dans la réhabilitation professionnelle des personnes paraplégiques

Primerano Adrien. Holidays for people referred to as mentally disabled : between inclusion and confinement in disability

Puiseux Charlotte. Queer-crip theory : a new challenge for disability studies

Routier Cédric, Arripe (d') Agnès, Cobbaut Jean-Philippe Cobbaut, Lefebvre Céline, Mercier Michel, Tremblay Mireille. Quelle place pour les personnes en situation de handicap dans une recherche-action avisée émancipatoire ?

Saint Martin (de) Claire. La scolarisation des élèves de CLIS 1 : un empan liminal

Valdes Béatrice. Le (non)respect de l’obligation d’emploi de 6% de travailleurs handicapés dans la fonction publique en France

Woynarowska Agnieszka, Lindyberg Iwona. Supporting vocational activity of people with intellectual disability in Poland

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